Note the horse and buggy parked in the front, the periods mode of transportation in Deer Park.  The barn on the right was used at that time to store the horses, buggies and coaches.   There was a hay loft in the upstairs where the hay was stored to feed the horses.  In later years this was turned in a garage for storage.  From the rear of the garage in the 60's and 70's the councils football program sold hot dogs and soda to its many fans.  This was torn down in the late 70's due to it's  structural instability.  If you were to stand in the front of the building today and looked at the left side, you can still see the foot print of what is left of the old building.

Pictured below is the building that was purchased and is now where Our Lady of the Rosary calls home today.  It was first the Deer Park Hotel and was then sold and changed to The Colonial Inn.

​Our Councils History​

"Our Building Through the Years"

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The porch was closed in, the name was changed and the coach path turned into a driveway for cars to use instead of the horses n buggies anymore ..... and the Colonial Inn were the new proprietors .....

"These times are a changing"